Youtube English History of Ukraine

when English-speaking historians or just people are interested in life in the USSR and Russian Empire, the Internet cannot offer them anything except the biographies of Stalin and Trotsky, as well as a listing of global events. The life of ordinary Ukrainians remains behind the scenes.  Let's fill this gap

These are all videos with English subtitles

 Insurrectionary movement in Ukraine 1918-1921. Anton Volzhan, how he became a Makhnovist

NKVD Units in the German-Soviet war 1941-1945. Volobuev's Unit. How it looked from the inside

A brief history of the Solone Theater (1937-1943). Why did the Germans blow it up?

Bondarenko Tikhon is a rebel from Vovnigi. And it would seem, where does Kolomoisky's dacha in Nikolskoye have to do with it?   with English subtitles 

Zemsky chiefs in Russian Empire - a boring topic? Not a sure bet Part 1. Solone district. with English subtitles

Are zemstvo bosses a boring topic? Is not a fact. Part 2.Sofievshchina.    with English subtitles

Orthodox life. Part 1 Peter-Pavlo church in the village of Solone, Yekaterinoslav district  with English subtitles

Timofey Dragozhinsky - a priest of his time

with English subtitles

Житие православных. Ч.2 Софиевка/The Orthodox life . P. 1 The village Sofiivka

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